Touch Roulette allows you to make quick and easy decisions with your friends! Just tap and you're ready to go! Touch Roulette is like eenie meenie miney mo but for the 21st century. Fantastic for making decisions or selecting only one person from a group to do something.
Let each friend tap the screen. Once all of your friends have tapped the screen tap on the "start" button. Touch Roulette will then randomly select a friend that is tapping the screen.
触摸轮盘让您与您的朋友做出快速和容易的决定!只需轻点,你准备好去!触摸轮盘就像是埃尼meenie miney谟但对于21世纪的。梦幻般的决策或一组只选择一个人做一些事情。